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Mystic Compass

There's a glitch in my mix,
It leaves a funny sound,
It makes a little noise,
And then goes way underground.
I think there's a glitch,
In this very life I live,
I think it's OK though,
Because everyone's a part of it.
Speaking of time and travel,
Take me to the fourth dimension,
3D living is tough,
I'm tired of this convention.
As we get older though,
True wisdom might kick in,
Just like playing soccer,
You need many goals to win.
Why did I start?
And where will I finish?
Do I need to know?
Or is this part of my condition?
Do I need a direction?
Like north, south, east,
Or west?
Might I use a mystic compass?
Or do I have to guess?

Copyright © 1999 - 2024
Steve Bujanow, Chris Theriault, Neo Cortex The Band, aka Neo Cortex
All rights reserved

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Copyright © 1999 - 2024 · Steve Bujanow, Chris Theriault, Neo Cortex The Band, aka Neo Cortex · All rights reserved.