Not for Mortals
Plain Jane, Takes all the blame, She doesn't look too good, But doesn't want to complain. With a pie in the face, Shows I made a bad out take, But still glad I was never named Ralph or Jake. I'm tired of being a consumer, I want to produce the world, But this job is not for mortals, Or for the Duke of Earl. Not living many years, To know many bits of wisdom, Or trying to live correctly, With a scope or with a vision. What happened to all the thoughts? Not written down on paper? Did they go through the air? And evaporate like water vapor? Words, not sound, Can give a man a good reason, Because silence is hard to know, When someone is speaking.
Copyright © 1999 - 2025
Steve Bujanow, Chris Theriault, Neo Cortex The Band, aka Neo Cortex
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